Just because a weight loss diet pill worked for your friend, does not actually mean it will work for you. As with many things in life, finding the right weight loss diet pill is a personal thing - you need to consult your doctor or dietitian in order to find out which one is best for your condition.
It also helps to do some research of your own. Below we discuss the different types of weight loss diet pills and how they work. This short outline should help you to make a more informed decision.
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Weight loss diet pills that suppress appetite Among the most popular appetite suppressants are garcinia cambogia and conjugated linoleic acid. Both appear to be safer than some other types of weight loss diet pill ingredients, but they can also be linked to serious side effects like heart disorders. Most weight loss diet pills that claim to suppress appetite, promise to deliver results in six months. Some experts say that if you do not shed at least four pounds after four weeks of taking an appetite suppressant, then this type of weight loss diet pill may not be the best for you.
Weight loss diet pills that burn calories These diet pills have stimulants like caffeine, guarana, and green tea in them, which help increase your metabolic rate (at least temporarily) and consequently make you burn more calories than you normally do. The side effect: they also increase your blood pressure, heart rate, and in some cases, your anxiety.
Weight loss diet pills that block absorption of fats and carbs These diet pills work by keeping your intestines from taking in carbohydrates and/or fats, so that your body can get rid of them. Most formulations contain soybeans, which seems safe to take but have actually be linked to zinc and copper loss - not weight loss. Some experts also argue that these diet pills may be harmful in the long run because they do not only block the bad fat, but also the good fat (such as vitamins A, E, D, and K).
Conclusion The best formula to weight loss is still exercise coupled with a sensible diet. Do not be misled with labels that say "all natural" because they do not necessarily mean "safe." Consult your doctor or dietitian before taking any diet pills, especially if you have sensitive medical conditions like high blood pressure, a history of heart problems, and a history of depression or over anxiety.
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