Many weight loss products offer quick fix solutions. Manufacturers and distributors of these products provide promising claims that can tempt anyone to try. Who would not be interested products that can melt away your fat while you doze off? Or how about those made of 100 percent natural ingredients that guarantee long-lasting results?
Healthy options
Many people who want to lose weight try hard to find an effective weight loss product (or at least a healthy one). Finding one is very tricky, however. When planning to use a supposedly healthy product, examine it carefully. Consult a health care professional about it. Do not be swayed by advertising claims. Be aware of claims that have words like magical, guaranteed, effortless, easy, or mysterious. These weight loss products are simply unrealistic.
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Multi-billion industry
Weight loss products is a multi-billion industry. In the United States alone, Americans spend $30 billion dollars on them. These products vary, coming in the form of diet foods, drinks, pills, potions, and even devices.
Some of the ineffective products are diet patches, bulk fillers, muscle stimulators, and certain appetite suppressants. Prescription medications for weight loss can have side effects. Take note of phenylpropanolamine hydrochloride, an appetite suppressant that can increase blood pressure. Ephedra, one of the widely popular weight loss pills, has been banned because it can cause heart problems, chest pain, seizures, and stroke.
The only weight loss solution that guarantees healthy and permanent long-term results is a combination of low calorie diet and regular physical exercise. The calories you consumed should be burned so that these would not be stored as fat in your body. A healthy weight loss product can only serve as a supplement. A healthy weight loss product can never equal the effect of a low calorie diet and regular physical exercise.
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